

I was born and raised in Midwest, where fast, processed, and sugary foods were the makeup of most people’s diets, including my own!  I was prescribed antibiotics as a child due to chronic ear infections, which was actually a symptom of food allergies and yeast overgrowth. My poor diet and the use of the antibiotics stripped my gut health even more than it already was, setting myself up to battle a laundry list of health ‘opportunities’ into my adult life.  I later learned these symptoms were a blessing in disguise and that it was my body trying to wake me up. These red flags were alerting me to take care of myself before they would turn into dis-ease. These symptoms included constipation, skin rashes, anxiety, mood swings, allergies, and sinus infections, but the list goes on.  I also found out later that each and every day that I did things to obstruct my body, overgrowths were accumulating in my gut, in my blood, and my lymphatic system. This also created an imbalance in chemical reactions my body was supposed to be doing, some of these include creating digestive enzymes to break down food and absorbing nutrients. This perfect storm of imbalances was taxing my cells that feed my tissues that feed my organs, all of this in turn would not allow me to operate at my fullest potential. 



When I moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota for college, my busy life working three jobs and going to school didn’t help to change much. I continued to live off of sugar, sinus infections, and caffeine drinks. Little did I know the stress of managing everything also contrinued to disrupt my already impaired gut health, which continued into my corporate life. I quickly fell into the fast-paced, high stress culture of working long hours and after-work dinners and drinks. I was getting sicker due to my poor habits compounding. I started going to the doctor, to have five minutes spent with me, and to leave with an antibiotic prescription and no education on what was happening to my body.  My body, however, was telling me it cannot continue to operate the way it has been.  Things needed to change.


In my frustration for knowing there had to be an explanation and a better way, I started doing my own research. I quickly realizing I was overgrown with yeast and fungus from depleting my gut microbiome with antibiotics and feeding it for years with sugar and dead foods or in other words, foods with no nutrients. It started to make sense that I needed to clean up my diet with nutritious food, while cleansing the body of old matter (poop!) so I could set up my gut to rebalance. Light bulbs were going off!


I did the craziest thing I’ve ever done. I quit. I quit my unfulfilling corporate life to teach people how amazing their bodies are and how they can take care of themselves. Fast forward to today: I am the owner of MOVE COLONICS and my coaching practice.  


Natalie is a certified Colon Hydrotherapist (CT) through I-ACT: International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy (Pressure System Colonics) and the Woods Hygienic Institute, Inc. (Gravity Colonics). Natalie is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) through the NTA: Nutritional Therapy Association, which harnesses the power of real food and the unique needs of individual bodies. She has trained with experts at the Gerson Institute in San Diego, California, the natural cancer curing protocol developed by Dr. Max Gerson, studying Herbalism with Lise Wolff, and is also trained in the self H.A.R.T. Method, holistic abdominal relief therapy, a unique synthesis of Maya Abdominal Therapy with Techniques from the Aztec, Nahuatl and Mixteca cultures.


“Before you heal someone, ask him if he’s willing to give up the things that made him sick.” - Hippocrates

I’m looking forward to getting to know you! Congrats on taking your “health-care” into your own hands.